Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Photo of the Day, part Deux

I'm sharing a second photo today with the hopes of making you laugh as much as it makes me laugh. Everyday, I drive past this sign, and everyday I wonder to myself, "And just what other direction could I possibly go but one of these two, so why in the world do I have this sign? I mean after all, there are those bright yellow barrels warning me that the road splits. And of course, I can see, so I can see that the road splits. So why this sign?"

Does anyone else out there wonder about this sort of thing, and then just have to laugh at the events that must have occurred for this sign to be needed? It's kind of like the warning on some irons, "Don't use on clothes which you are wearing." And on a set of pajamas with a Superman theme, "Does not endow wearer with ability to fly". And in the manuals of some Winnebagos I understand, "Cruise control is not an automatic pilot".

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