Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Give and Take

We have started singing a new song at church, and it really hits home for me. The lyrics to the bridge go like this:

You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
LORD, Blessed be your name

I added the emphasis on choose. It is our choice to acknowledge that God is in control, and admit that we do not understand everything that happens in this world.

We may not understand why those who choose to ignore God profit, and why those who strive to follow Him as closely as possible face struggle after struggle. We may not understand when huge tragedies happen. We may not understand all the problems in the world. We may not like the wars that our country has or is or will be engaged in. We may not like everything that our leaders do. We may not agree or like what other countries do. We may think that we're right, and we don't understand that no one else can see that fact. We may think, "God, how could you let me brother die in that car crash?" Or, "Why did that father of 3 small kids have to die?" Or, "God, how can a husband of 25 years leave his family for someone else?" Or, "God, how could you let such an awful tragedy transpire in New Orleans?"
But like that song says, we must choose to trust God. He created the world, and I think He can take care of its problems. We don't know everything, though some of us might think differently.

You may not agree me with me on this, and that's fine. Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion. These thoughts have been on my mind for a few days now, and I just wanted to share, but mostly I wanted to get it off my chest.

1 comment:

Eve said...

Great how something we hear in church continues to resonate throughout the week :) There's a song we sang recently in church and the words "Not to us, but to Your name, be the glory" and I keep hearing it in my head, day in and day out ;)