Monday, September 12, 2005

Calling Stored Procedure Quirks

For the past couple of days, I have been converting ASP pages over to ASP.NET for one of our web applications, and I have become quite frustrated with some differences between ASP and ASP.NET. Granted these issues wouldn't be so much of an issue had some forethought been taken before writing the stored procedures, and the routines for calling them from ASP.

The trouble I have encountered is that ASP does not care about the names that you use for parameters you create and add to the stored procedure command object, so long as the parameters are in the correct order. ASP.NET cares that the names are correct, and cares that the parameters are in the right order. Well, in the ASP pages that I have been converting, the parameter names given in the Add() method for the command object are almost always different from the ones in the stored procedure itself.

So, here I go converting, and then test, only to find that the parameters are named differently! Argh! It basically is a fault of consistency on Microsoft's part, and on the part of the person responsible for the ASP pages. You know who you are!

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