Monday, September 12, 2005

WV Food Tax

Law makers in WV are considering a reduction, or removal of the food tax that we currently pay. Right now, our food tax is 6%, and this includes all food purchases. Under consideration is a reduction to 5%, or complete removal. The governor wants to reduce the tax over time, but many of the republican law makers want to remove it completely. As you can probably guess, I want it removed completely, but will take any reduction I can get.

On the news this evening, one lady really got under my skin, and she personifies the type of idiot that has brought our state to the level of taxation that we currently endure. When asked if she would like to see the tax reduced or removed, she said, "If I can pay $5 out of the $100 I spend at the grocery store for the greater good of our community, then I am all for it." Remember how much I said the tax in WV is? SIX PERCENT. Six percent of $100 is $6, not $5! It's this kind of nonchalant attitude that doesn't bother to really check into things that has caused so many taxes to be passed in our state.

Another said that reducing the tax by 1% wouldn't really help any. Again, I have to disagree. Reducing the tax by 1% saves me a penny for every dollar I spend on food. I currently spend probably $400 or so on food each month. That's $4 each month. Over the course of a year, that's $48. I don't know about you, but $48 would pay for my child's school lunch for a couple of months.

If you are one of these two people who were interviewed last night, please contact me. You can pay my share of the tax, and we'll all be happy!

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