Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Gas Prices

While reading this post over at It's Obvious, I have come to the realization that once again, we West Virginians are being taken advantage of. Gas price in Anaheim, CA is $2.85. Here, I am lucky to pay $2.89.


QiSoftware said...

Marylanders are paying about $3.50 a gallon as of yesterday.


stacey abshire said...

Ouch! What's the median income in Maryland? Here in WV, it's $31,210. And at $2.89 / gallon, it puts quite a hurting on a person.

stacey abshire said...

Lucky dogs!

Anonymous said...

The west coast essentially didnt get hit when the hurricane nailed the gulf because they get their gas from a different pipeline. There are 2 pipelines that the east use and both were damaged from the hurricane, not to mention all the oil rigs that disappeared.

Anonymous said...

At least it's better than having your car underwater in New Orleans.

stacey abshire said...

hterry, didn't even think about that. Of course before the hurricane, gas here was around $2.49 to $2.59.

meg, that is quite true. point well taken.

GeekBrit said...

$2.85 in Anaheim? Hmmm... I'm 20 miles away yet the cheapest I've seen over tha past couple of days is $2.99 regular, $3.09 for the middle grade stuff I put in my tank in place of the premium 'recommended'.

But salaries are higher here, and I'm fortunate enough to be able to walk to work. You have my sympathies!

Oh... on the other hand, in Britain my dad said they're paying 91 pence per litre... that's $6.05 a (US) gallon... we have a way to go yet... :(

stacey abshire said...

$6.05... I'd walk, and I imagine many Brits do.

BLOGBANK said...

La Jolla, CA. $3.10